The tale of Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment's Minions starts at the beginning of time. Beginning as single-celled yellow creatures, Minions develop through the ages, unendingly serving the most vile of bosses. Ceaselessly unsuccessful at keeping these bosses from T. rex to Napoleon-the Minions discover themselves without somebody to serve and fall into a profound wretchedness. Be that as it may, one Minion named Kevin has an arrangement, and he-nearby teen agitator Stuart and adorable little Bob-ventures out into the world to locate another underhandedness manager for his brethren to take after. The trio leaves upon an exciting trip that eventually drives them to their next potential expert, Scarlet Overkill (Academy Award (R) victor Sandra Bullock), the world's first-ever female super-scoundrel. They make a trip from sub zero Antarctica to 1960s New York City, finishing in mod London, where they must face their greatest test to date: sparing all of Minionkind...from destruction. (c) Universal